Crunches and Sit-ups don’t strengthen your core??
Have you ever received a gift that made you think “thanks…but do you actually even know me?”
Growing up, my Grandma LOVED to get our Christmas gifts from her church’s annual Craft Bazaar. And let me tell you, some of them were pretty bizarre!
See photo below…my family had quite the time figuring out what this was that Grandma had sent us! Any guesses?
A: A Cranberry Scoop! Just what every suburban household needs, right?
Sometimes I wonder if our core feels the same way. Like “thanks for the gift, but do you actually know me?”
When it comes to core exercises, most think about the abdominal muscles and focus on crunches and sit-ups. But did you know that your abs are only one piece of the Lumbo Pelvic Hip Complex that comprises what we call the “core?” And did you know that the real job of the core isn’t to look great with a six pack…but to stabilize the spine?
To truly strengthen our “core” we need to focus on the muscles of the deep core that help it do its job to protect and support the spine.
In this issue of Mobility & Musings, I’m sharing some of my favorite exercises that do exactly that: (Click on the photo below to open the full video)
Deep Core Strength Exercises:
1. Bow & Arrow Front Raise
From a standing or kneeling position, Draw your belly button into the spine and holding weights, bring both arms up, palms down as in doing a front raise - just to shoulder height. As you bring your straight arms up to shoulder height, pull one hand back toward your shoulder like you are drawing back a bow & arrow. Alternate and repeat.
2. ICE Plank w/ Hip Rotation & Pelvic Tilt
From your knees, “fall forward” a bit, so your knees are slightly behind your hips. Hands should be aligned with your shoulders. Draw your belly button into the spine, lift your pelvic floor, then press your obliques out as if against an inner tube. Holding that core engagement, rotate only your hips to one side without moving your torso. Then slightly tilt your pelvis forward, then backwards. Remember to relax your glutes and let your lower abs do the work. You should feel this in your lower abs to the side of your belly button.
3. Bear Tapbacks
From all fours, curl your toes under and draw your belly button into the spine. Keeping your hips level, tap back one leg at a time and return to the bear position. Repeat, alternating sides.
I like to finish with a good Baby Cobra stretch.
Try those the next time you want to give your core a gift it will actually appreciate!
If you’d like help figuring out what YOUR body needs to move at its best, pain-free, click the button below to get in touch.